
The main reinforcement design with carbon fiber fabric that ESCALE has carried out is:

  • reinforcement of columns and beams at WTC-SP, to build a convention center (the design was done together with JKMF);
  • reinforcement of cantilevers and beams at Santos Dumont Airport - RJ, to interconnect it with the New Wing (the design was done together with Figueiredo Ferraz);
  • reinforcement of columns and beams at República Subway Station- SP, to enlarge it (the design was done together with Maubertec);
  • reinforcement of slabs and beams at Museu do Futebol - SP (the design was done together with ENGETI);
  • reinforcement of span of viaduct over Suburbana Avenue, on Linha Amarela - RJ (the design was done together with EGT);
  • reinforcement of cable arrival in a tower on Estaiada Bridge, over Paraná River in Paulicéia - SP (the design was done together with ENESCIL).